Tuesday, August 2, 2016

WhyHIRE- A Leadership Gem- Chris Swantek

Yes, he can take your organization to the next level, so contact him NOW!

It's highly unlikely that this retired Army Veteran with a Recruiting background would be nothing less than a asset to your organization.  He understands what organizational expectations are and what talents he must provide in order for everyone meet them!

For over 20 years, Chris Swantek has provided absolute leadership from the east coast to the west coast. He has led complex organizations within the Human Capital Management field while providing superior results. Isn’t that what any organizations wants to hire?  There is no need to waste countless hours scouring other performers when you have one that is right in front of your face and one that maybe the best hire that your organization may have ever seen. The best source of a new hire is from a reputable professional connection by way of referral right?

I Justin C. Pearson, CEO, and Founder of Just in Success, know that this professional can provide the thriving passion and synergy needed to take you and everyone within your organization to the next level. You'll be losing profit and losing the opportunity to become even more profitable if you don't  demand that he work for you NOW!

Chris Swantek’s portfolio can be viewed at https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-swantek. If you’re looking to contact him in order to set up a exploratory interview, please email him at


Chris is waiting and is ready to commit to a new adventure, why not be part of it?

 #ArmyVeteran, #Transitioning, #1SG(R)ChrisSwantek, #Retired

Notes from Justin-
Justin C. Pearson, July 17, 2016
#JustinCodyPearson #JustinSuccess, #JustinCPearson

If you know of someone that you would like to nominate for a WhyHire article, please reach out to me at Justin@JustinSuccess.com to further discuss this opportunity.

My eResume website can be viewed at:

I will be available for relocation and career opportunities in March of 2017.

Success starts here! Let’s discover your potential~

Justin C. Pearson, Founder and CEO, Just in Success

Monday, August 1, 2016

Building Self-Confidence for Success

Yeah your right- there is no quick fix, 10 min plug and play, or easy way to become that modeled TV superhero with perfect self-esteem/ confidence that you want to be. If you develop a few courses of action and implement them into your daily life, I know you will start experiencing the Success you desire!  It's achievable as long as you take action in making the desired change. Taking and continuing action is the hardest obstacle we face.

Self-confidence is directly stemmed from your self-esteem, the way that you view yourself personally, and professionally. It's also based upon how your friends, family, and co-workers view you.  Your emotional mental stability can be like a roller coaster within your mind.  It happens to even the best of us.  We all have fears and discomfort in our everyday lives that make is nauseous. If you want to make change be honest with yourself in this matter instead of masking it and never addressing it. Are you the possible factor of why another individuals self-esteem is low?  Have you ever thought about how boosting your teams self-confidence will assist your organization to become even more successful? A increased quality of the work environment ties directly to increased financial profitability. Whether you're just a busy bee worker or a leader on the ground affecting others, you have the power to change culture amongst those you affect.

Sometimes you need to start a new trend or even make a life transformation. Conduct a honest personal self-assessment of your own SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats); you'll be amazed of the areas you can improve for yourself, which will increase your quality of life. This will also improve the life of others around you and who they are connected with. You need to become aware of what things you want to do vs. what you don’t want to do. Determining what's important to you will help you in your plan you need to establish in order to get you to where you want to be.

Take a positive approach and put a encouraging spin on those little ankle biters that affect the daily work environment. I know it's too easy to just fly off the handle but by being strong and not doing this, it'll strengthen your own resiliency. If you think Success you will find it. If you're constantly thinking negative thoughts than obviously you'll find and experience that immediately; because you're in search of it. Focus on mastering the basics of what you need to know and do; use this as your expertise so you can constantly capitalize and experience Success. By knowing your expertise inside and out, you will gain the comfort you're in search of.  This will also give security to those you work for of providing excellent work.

Emplace mini-goals or projects within your day so you can experience Sway-points throughout your day. When you hit these Success points celebrate! You must act immediately on Success! Celebrating it will make it become more familiar and the more familiar it feels the more you will want to celebrate Success.  Positive re-enforcement is key to your Success, both as a professional and Leader! Share your successes with others so they can be a part of it and they will start to do the same.  By doing this you are improving your self-image and your own mental emotional state of mind. If you don’t have these goals in your daily life, tasks begin to feel mundane, and happiness will start to decrease.  As this happens your moods changes and your self-confidence lowers which in turns makes you less productive.

As you celebrate, start to focus on bigger pictures in a way that you can channel this passion into the productivity of larger projects. Have you ever looked in the mirror when you were experiencing Success? You looked amazing right? I know that I did!  What stands out to me most in what I see in the mirror, the huge unforgettable smile on my face.  The mere fact that a smile makes you feel better and you may have a better chance to experience Success means you should try putting forth additional effort to smile more throughout your day.  While doing that, take a more appreciative approach to people by being kind, grateful, generous, and helping others. This will get you so much further in life than not doing it at all. It also assists in culminating a great work environment.

Exercising your mind & body is key to decreasing stress and anxiety; which in-turn assists you in increasing self-confidence. You do this by becoming fit and living a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis verse only exercising and eating healthy once a week. Exercising your mind doesn’t take extra time within your day, but using the time within your day as you work to empower yourself intellectually with knowledge. Most of this will be in preparing for the tasks you have at hand.  If you're not prepared than obviously you will have lower self-esteem. If you are well-prepared you will experience mini-successes more so than not. By taking adequate time to prepare you will start to shine much more than you  have ever experienced.  This will bring you happiness which in turn promotes Success!

Becoming more active in life will bring you many more joys. Find hobbies and activities to partake in so you will have things that you personally enjoy doing. I too have become so obsessed with work, so much that I've neglected myself and it ended up biting me in the butt. I never noticed that I wasn’t personally happy until a co-worker approached me about it. Have you ever had a co-worker tell you all you ever talk about is the product and work......why don’t you talk about You and your experiences in life?  This made me really take a deeper approach to myself which helped me to become a more effective leader of my teams. By doing so, they were able to know much more about me personally which in-turn helped them become more comfortable with me; allowing trust to happen faster. When a team has established mutual trust amongst themselves there definitely is a better return of investment from everyone within the team.

One of the hardest things to do is commit yourself to Success. This is the plan that you have emplaced in order to get from point A to point B. Taking action is where most individuals fail. Why is it so hard to follow-through with your own clear and unequivocal promise to yourself? If you believe you can succeed right? Most people failed because they didn't make a solid executable plan. The plan needs to be well-balanced, well thought out, and flexible enough so you won't bail on it when it starts to get uncomfortable. Remember to develop your own or become part of local support group of various channels through friends and family by being active. This support group will assists in the positive influence that we all are in need of. Positive affirmation is key to sustaining forward momentum on your pathway to Success!

Your mind is so much stronger than you can ever imagine, take advantage of it!

My eResume website can be viewed at:


I will be available for relocation and career opportunities in March of 2017.

Success starts here! Let’s discover your potential~

Justin C. Pearson, Founder and CEO, Just in Success

Friday, July 22, 2016

The month after your big decision to retire from the military - from a transitioning veteran’s perspective

As an active duty veteran who is preparing to transition out of the military, one of the hardest things to do is let a potential employer know what you’re good at when, for the past 20 years, you have followed suit and led as you were directed, based off the responsibilities that the military had given you.

How do you determine your own strengths and aptitudes so you can target companies and positions without wasting your time or becoming counterproductive? This whole transition may feel as if you are starting over from scratch.

 The feeling of excitement that you made a commitment to start yet another fresh career and retire from the service definitely will be overwhelming in ways that you now don't really understand or comprehend.

 Where do you start?  Who do you talk to? How do you prepare now? These are just a few thoughts you will have. It almost seems as if you need a full-time daily coach -- one that can answer your most minute questions that you have been struggling with for hours. You will search for answers, dialogue, and feedback from any support channel that is within your grasp. In preparation of finding these answers and the dialogue you search for, realize your immediate expectations may become clouded.

Prepare for the unexpected and only expect minimal efforts from those support channels. (Now, if you get more than expected, then obviously that is wonderful.)

 Here are some situations you may encounter with people or organizations that say they are “veteran advocates” or “transitioning experts” whether they be recruiters, resume experts, or support groups with amazing assistance or free services.

These are some examples of situations you may face:

-A quick, three- to five-minute conversation where you’re asked for your name, number, and background information, most likely for reporting purposes.

-While most agencies market free services, as soon as you're on the phone with them, some may try to sell you a “special package” from $295 to $6,000 I wasn't prepared for the why this was really needed.

-Some so-called advocates may miss their own scheduled phone discussions with you and then not return the voice message call.

-You may not feel connected, understood, or valued.

-There maybe a lack of follow-up via phone messages, emails, or LinkedIn messages.

These situations, of course, happen in everyday life, but the magnitude will be much greater when you are trying to do everything to successfully transition to civilian life.

For 20 years, we have been labeled constantly as leaders behind the military uniform. As you walk through the transition process, the dream will start to become a reality. At the start of this process you think you will maintain that title as you move forward with a new civilian company and that there will be a laundry list of jobs to choose from. Heck, our reasoning is, “They'll hire me because I'm a leader, I'm trained, I train others, I've deployed, or I've served.” However, only 1 percent of citizens has served and understands what serving is about, so things likely won’t turn out as you imagine.

So how do you properly translate your military background for the civilian workforce? The military positions you held do not mirror those in the civilian sector. Titles are totally different, the terminology you have grown up knowing and understanding is different from the descriptions of civilian job responsibilities and pre-requisites.

Determining the differences between what you want to do in your career versus what you are qualified to do is key before you even start to refine your resume. Once you understand the new terminology, you can build your resume on your experiences by accurately relating them to what you are looking to do.

Have you started your own marketing plan? Marketing yourself is key to acquiring a good job. Most job hires are through a referral, which may be made through your marketing strategy.

Part of marketing yourself properly is searching within yourself for what you actually want to do, and determining the correct career fields and positions based off of that. Look at the training and experience you have that will guide you on this path to making a great new career choice. If you haven't taken the opportunity to do this, it may seem as if you don't know where to properly start and or you are spinning your wheels trying to find answers.

Remember that there is no exact conversion to your training and experiences you've had in order to properly determine if a company's position will be a fit for you. It's up to you to research the company and the position to see if it's a fit and, if so, customize your resume for each company to which you send it to have a better chance of getting a phone call, interview, or discussion about your future career opportunities. Yes, you will receive different opinions by countless experts about what a resume should be and how to reflect everything properly, some of which will contradict each other. This will cause ample amounts of stress. Remember that most companies will probably not give you any real feedback until you are only a few months away from starting your retirement. Stay positive and continue to grind!

The first month after this monumental decision will feel like a roller coaster ride, but stay strong and continue planning and preparing for the success you desire. It will happen!

My eResume website can be viewed at:


I will be available for relocation and career opportunities in March of 2017.

Success starts here! Let’s discover your potential~

Justin C. Pearson, Founder and CEO, Just in Success